East Dumbartonshire Association for Mental Health
East Dunbartonshire Association for Mental Health is a local voluntary sector organisation and charity which offers emotional, practical and social support to people experiencing mental ill health, living in East Dunbartonshire.
EDAMH was formed in 1999 and began providing recovery based support services in 2000. The Association is core funded by East Dunbartonshire Council.
Core Pupose
To promote the rights and seek to enhance the lifestyle of those affected by mental ill health in East Dunbartonshire through the provision of easily accessible community based services. The Association will support the pursuit of an individual's rightful, valued role within their community. In addition, the Association aims to raise the community's awareness and understanding of mental health and mental health issues.
Consultation has been an integral part of the Association's development. Initial focus group meetings were held locally where interest in forming and managing the organisation was established. At present the Association's executive committee has a strong service user and carer representation who have actively been involved in EDAMH's development.